Oil Paintings

"Echoes of Duty" - A dual role we often play. Oil on Canvas, 82x65 cm
"Beacon of Wonder" - A light of the unknown. Oil on Canvas 82x66 cm
"Eternal Witness" - A Holding of Secrets of the past. Oil on Canvas, 82x65 cm
"Melancholy March" - A dreamscape where whimsy and sorrow intertwine. Oil on Canvas, 55x46 cm
"Into the Light" - A Reflection of the human spirit's eternal quest to move beyond fear and into the embrace of light. Oil on Canvas, 82x65 cm
"The Innocence" - A story about the world becoming Innocent again. Oil on Canvas, 82x65 cm
"Guided by the Glow" - A faint light illuminating her path. Oil on Canvas, 40x40 cm
"Keeper of Ladders" - A portrait of quiet strenth and Growth. Oil on Canvas, 40x40 cm
SOLD - "Keeper of Fortune" - Oil on Canvas, 70x70 cm
SOLD - "The Weight of Indulgence" - Oil on Canvas, 82x65 cm

Acrylic Works